Comments: Looking into my father's past, Sgt Mike "Ske" Radjavitch. His memory isn't the best but I found he belonged to A Troop 3rd/5th around 69 - early 70's. He thinks 2nd platoon. Service records show active 68 to 71.
Comments: I was the Operations NCO for B CO 86TH cbt Engr Bn LCT during this operation. The 9th Division being the security and task unit, this complex was discovered by an LCT dozer. The operator was with the 86th LCT, the shotgun for the operator riding on the dozer with him was a B co 86th Engr member. No matter who gets the credit, a job well done.
Comments: My good friend James Davis was in B Troop in 1968. He has expressed wishes to contact members of his unit. Any help in this endeavor would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Added: October 17, 2024
Submitted by Name: Robert C crawford From: Loveland CO E-mail:
Comments: A Troop 6-66/ 5/67
Added: September 30, 2024
Submitted by Name: bobby wayne mcginnis From: Gadsden, Al E-mail:
Comments: I served with C troop 3/5th Cav from 1969 - 1970
Name: Dale
Thanks for being awesome.