March 13-21 1968 –“OPERATION WORTH” – Quang Nam Province, I Corps -
The 3rd/5th Cavalry while OPCON to 1st Cavalry Div., joined the 1/7th and the 2/7th Marines to conduct this operation 15 miles southwest of Da Nang. The U.S. suffered 27 KIAs and 89 wounded while the NVA had 167 KIAs.
To keep this kind of pressure on the NVA, the 1st and 2d Battalions, 7th Marines began “OPERATION WORTH” on 12 March approximately twenty kilometers southwest of Da Nang. It soon became apparent that the NVA had a full Division in the operational region. The enemy forces seemed to be concentrated in the Go Noi Island area, a delta west of Hoi An formed by the meanderings of the Ky Lam River and bisected by Highway 1 and a bermed railroad.
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